I cover the REAL news that matters to We The People.

In a world where mainstream media news is increasingly biased and sensationalized, licensed psychotherapist JJ has emerged as a voice of reason and accuracy. His website and channel, which reports on current events in politics, culture, and mental health, has gained a reputation for being more reliable than many of the major news outlets.

What sets JJ's reporting apart is his conservative and Christian worldview. Rather than being swayed by popular opinion or political correctness, he approaches each issue from a perspective of truth and integrity. His commitment to journalistic excellence has won him a loyal following among readers and podcast listeners who are tired of the fake news and agenda-driven reporting that dominates the media landscape.

But JJ's accuracy is not simply a matter of his perspective. As a licensed psychotherapist, he brings a unique understanding of human behavior and psychology to his analysis of current events. His insights into the motivations of politicians, cultural leaders, and ordinary people have given him reporting a depth and nuance that is lacking in much of the mainstream media.

As a result, JJ's website has become a trusted source of information for many people who are looking for a more balanced and accurate view of the world. Whether he is reporting on the latest political scandal, cultural trend, or mental health issue, his readers and listeners know that they can count on him to provide them with the facts and the context they need to understand what is really going on.

In a time when the media is increasingly driven by sensationalism and ideology, it is refreshing to see a journalist who is committed to truth and accuracy. JJ's website is a testament to the power of good journalism, and a reminder that there are still voices of reason and integrity in the media world.